Saturday, January 9, 2010

Checkered Giants

Whitney here. Lindsay hasn't been too good with updating the blog because she's been busy with the bathroom project, like me. Yes, the bathroom is still an ongoing project but it's finally ALMOST finished! We just need to finish the window and do some grout touch up on some spots. Oh and install our new mirror but in order to do that, we need to cut out a hole in the wall. Yeah... We're putting that off right now.

Anyway, enough about the bathroom. That's not what I'm here to talk about.

Lindsay finally got her own pair of Checkered Giants. She's been eyeing this breed for quite awhile and even got a pet Checkered Giant, named Roxy. Now, Roxy is one evil bunny. We call her "Whitney Biter" for a reason. Thankfully, Roxy is going to find a new home because she is way too neurotic for us. She is definitely a pet bunny, not a breeder rabbit. She goes berserk when she doesn't get "play time" - she pulls on her cage bars constantly. I'm always
worried she's going to break a tooth. She has an OCD about chewing on the bars if she doesn't get out. She does it constantly, once to the point where her mouth started bleeding. That was the final straw for me. As for Lindsay, her final straw was when Roxy kept pulling at the cage bars at nighttime when she was trying to sleep. So we put her on Craigslist and someone e-mailed. They want to meet her next Thursday so hopefully the meeting goes well and Roxy goes home with them.

I got off on a tangent there. Lindsay has been looking for a pair of show quality, pedigreed Checkered Giants for awhile. She was complaining to me that she's been looking all over for breeders and could only find one or two on the west coast.
So I pulled up my trusty directory and found one close to us, Dazzle Bunny. It's in Eatonville, a little over an hour drive but a lot closer than the other breeders Lindsay found on the east coast. :-P

Anyway, Lindsay e-mailed them and was thrilled to find out that they had a grand champion blue buck AND a junior black doe for sale. So she bought both. The blue buck is definitely very beautiful. He has a nice deep blue color - his name is Banshee. Lindsay thinks she wants to use a Greek theme for her Checkered Giants so she's naming the little black doe, Athena. Athena is around three months old and will be shown for
awhile, until she reaches breeding age, then Lindsay will breed her to Banshee. Lindsay is also thinking about naming her rabbitry "Mount Olympus Giants" or someth
ing like that. She hasn't decided for sure yet.

Let's see if I can figure out how to put pictures in this blog... Awesome, I think I figured it out! :-) The top left picture is Banshee. It's not a good picture -
it doesn't show his blue color very well. The picture to the right is Athena. She's a beauty.

I should also put up my Champagne D'Argents pictures while I'm at it.

The picture to the left is my Champagne D'Argent doe. I still haven't decided on a name for her. I'm trying to decide if I should use a French name theme since the Champagnes originated from France.

The Champagne D'Argent to the right is my buck. If I go with a French name theme, his name might be Pierre. If not, I'm calling him Bandit.
Take caution when you pass him, for he sprays with accuracy.