Friday, July 17, 2009

Some before and preliminary pictures

So this will be known as our infamous "before" picture of the house. The front still needs a lot of work, finishing up the front beds (although we've now planted some pretty baby bushes in there) and getting the clutter organized and put away. With the moving of roommates one month after moving in, it's been a little hectic with furniture and misc household items getting moved around.
Thank god we're having a yard sale this weekend! (1735 26th Ave NE if any of you are interested)

I'm so glad we're no longer housing our chickens in THIS! Our little temporary makeshift "we're-goddamn-sick-and-tired-of-chickens-escaping-in-the-house-and-pooping-everywhere" pen got pulled down this last week and the chickens got moved into their more permanent chicken pen. They even have a bona-fide coop now instead of plastic bins! I know, so fancy ;-)

Our garden seems to be doing really well and I'm bummed we didn't plant a bigger one this year. Next year we'll be planning ahead for a very large cropage so this year we'll just have to make do with our moderate but successful one. Plus we have oodles of berries to pick and process in September. Blackberries, Salmon berries, huckleberries and maybe a raspberry bush? I need to go back and see if I can find that one. All in all, I'm quite happy with our thriving zucchini plant, sugar snap peas, radishes, carrots, jalapaneos, corn, and tomatoes. We've also got two different kinds of lettuce.

Here are the eight chickens (from top left to bottom right): Barty, the Wyandotte, the evil red bitch (though she's grown on me quite a bit since her more evil baby stages), the black Austrolop, the black sexlink (affectionately known as Dinner #3), the golden sexlink (definitely Dinner #1!!), and the two Ameraucanas.

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